Jewish High Holidays Approaching in Late September

The most important Jewish holidays are Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), which is observed this year from sundown September 29 through sundown October 1, and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), observed this year from sundown October 8 through sundown October 9. The books in this collection reflect on these important holidays, Judaism itself, and the food of the Jewish tradition.

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Bookstore Romance Day

The first annual Bookstore Romance Day is 8/17/19. With 61% of Romance books still being purchased in the physical format (according to Nielsen’s US Romance Landscape report), Romance is a great category for booksellers to be focusing on. This list features PRH’s best-in-category titles, from genre series titles to fiction with romance at its heart.

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Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week takes place September 22 – 28. For every book that is challenged or banned, there are advocates fighting to get [it] reinstated. For accounts and libraries fighting for our freedom to read, this list features challenged and cherished PRH titles, including classics and contemporaries. Does not include children’s banned books.

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