The Latest Backlist BookTok Phenom

Julia (@thepeliroja) has been documenting her journey to learn Spanish on TikTok to her more than 15k followers. Her favorite resource? Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish, a backlist gem from 1989 that relies on existing knowledge of English to learn Spanish more efficiently (plus, it contains illustrations by Andy Warhol). She sings the praises of

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What’s on Romantasy Readers’ TBR Lists?

Romantasy: the hybrid genre everyone is talking about. Unless you’ve been actively avoiding both social and mainstream media, the trend has crossed your path. And it’s still on the rise: at the time of writing, the hashtag “#romantasy” has over 992 million views on TikTok. Books blending fantastical elements with steamy romance aren’t new, but

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Secrets of the Octopus

The highly anticipated Nat Geo documentary “Secrets of the Octopus,” narrated by Paul Rudd, will air on April 21. The latest installment in the “Secrets of…” series, it follows “Secrets of the Whales” and “Secrets of the Elephants” as well as other acclaimed recent nature documentaries like “A Real Bug’s Life.” The companion book (also

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Dark Academia

While most of us became aware of Dark Academia thanks to TikTok, where the hashtag #darkacademia has over 5 billion views, the aesthetic/subculture found its foothold on Tumblr around 2014. Some trace its origin even further back to 1992, citing Donna Tartt’s The Secret History as the genesis of Dark Academia. So what is the Dark

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Dark Academia

Baking Cookbooks

Your sourdough starter from the early days of lockdown may be long dead, but baking cookbooks are alive and kicking! With the weather finally cool enough in most parts of the country to turn the oven on, a new season of The Great British Baking Show on Netflix, and the holidays just around the corner,

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Holiday Preview 2023

We’re all familiar with Christmas Creep—the phenomenon of retailers displaying holiday-themed merchandise ever earlier with each passing year. But in 2023, it could be more shopping advantage than seasonal annoyance. Half of consumers are planning to begin holiday shopping before November this year, and many expect to get started in September. Some of this is

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Witchy season is right around the corner, and every fall sees a predictable increase in consumer interest in witchy books, both fiction and nonfiction. Some readers are leaning into the Practical Magic aesthetic, which has gained a new generation of fans on TikTok. Others are interested in casting spells themselves, or observing Mabon (the autumnal

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