The Latest Backlist BookTok Phenom

Julia (@thepeliroja) has been documenting her journey to learn Spanish on TikTok to her more than 15k followers. Her favorite resource? Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish, a backlist gem from 1989 that relies on existing knowledge of English to learn Spanish more efficiently (plus, it contains illustrations by Andy Warhol). She sings the praises of

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Secrets of the Octopus

The highly anticipated Nat Geo documentary “Secrets of the Octopus,” narrated by Paul Rudd, will air on April 21. The latest installment in the “Secrets of…” series, it follows “Secrets of the Whales” and “Secrets of the Elephants” as well as other acclaimed recent nature documentaries like “A Real Bug’s Life.” The companion book (also

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Witchy season is right around the corner, and every fall sees a predictable increase in consumer interest in witchy books, both fiction and nonfiction. Some readers are leaning into the Practical Magic aesthetic, which has gained a new generation of fans on TikTok. Others are interested in casting spells themselves, or observing Mabon (the autumnal

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Researchers have found that divorce rates reliably rise every August. There is speculation that the summer, with vacations and breaks from school, focuses more attention on family and home life, sometimes revealing marital conflict. August also allows some time for the dust to settle ahead of the busy family gatherings of the holiday season. No

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September Reset

In You’ve Got Mail, Meg Ryan waxed poetic about the coming of fall and the attendant romance of “a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils.” Even for folks whose school days are long behind them, the back-to-school season can provide a bit of motivation or excitement. With summer vacations over and the holiday crush not yet

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We’ve all seen the proliferation of artistic content created by generative AI. From visual art to poetry to music, advanced technology is entering realms once thought to be solely the domain of human beings. At the same time, clips of a TED talk by Ethan Hawke on the value of human creativity have begun to

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Plant-Based Cooking

More Americans than ever are adopting a plant-based diet—at least part-time. The number of people who identify as vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian has been steadily rising over the past several years, and nonwhite Americans are three times as likely to be vegetarian as white Americans. Most people who adopt a more plant-based diet make the

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Black History Month 2023

Since 1976, Black History Month has been observed every February, but its origins date back half a century before its observance was formally established. In 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), designated the second week of February—the week encompassing the birthdays of

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Best Books of 2022…and Q1 2023

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…that magical season when publications release their Best Books of the Year lists. And while these lists from The New York Times, B&N, Amazon, Goodreads, NPR, and so many more are populated pretty much exclusively by frontlist titles, this opportunity doesn’t end when the ball drops on December

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