“Choose courage over comfort,” advises author Brené Brown.
Jordan B. Peterson prescribes twelve rules, one of which says: “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.”
Carol S. Dweck sums it up simply with: “Becoming is better than being.”
What these PRH authors, and many more, all agree on is that personal growth is a constant and crucial individual journey that looks and feels different for everyone. Some people may be looking for advice on how to grow in their professional lives, while others may be seeking tips on deepening their spirituality. One person may be looking for insight on strengthening their relationships with others, while another may be searching for ways to improve their self-image.
Luckily, PRH has a wide variety of books in the Personal Growth category that continue to perform well and keep selling. Our selection includes several leaders in the category—such as Brené Brown, Jordan B. Peterson, and Eckhart Tolle—as well as more recent breakthrough titles from Jen Sincero, Moorea Seal, and more.
The overall self-help market is valued at almost $10 billion, proving the consumer craving for titles in this category. Browse through a few top-selling titles below and get inspired to help accounts inspire their own customers’ journeys.
To see the full list of titles on the Backlist Vault, click here.
To see this collection on Edelweiss, click here.