According to astrology, every person has a unique birth chart based on the position of the sun, moon, stars, and other celestial bodies at the moment of one’s birth. It is said that this chart, and the various ways it moves throughout time, can indicate deep truths about one’s self, relationships to others, life trajectory, and more.
With many threads of thought spinning different interpretations of the mysteries behind the link between humans and the universe, not only does this subject make for incredibly interesting reading material, but it can also be a useful study for those looking to reset in the New Year.
For a quick primer, check out PRH’s bestselling backlist titles on this subject below and share these fast facts on astrology with your curious accounts—
- There are 12 main astrological signs.
- These main signs represent the 4 major elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
- “Astrology” refers to the study of how celestial bodies interact to influence one’s life and personality, while “zodiac” refers to the actual charts used to determine the position of these celestial bodies (e.g. a “zodiac sign”).
- It is possible to be born in between signs, creating what is called a “cusp” sign—and, for better or worse, a multifaceted personality.
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