On her Substack, author and Pulitzer finalist Rebecca Makkai recently proposed an award honoring backlist titles:
“With the Pulitzer Prize announcements for last year coming on Monday, prizes have been on my mind. And specifically, this pipe dream I’ve had for a while now of starting a new and unconventional prize: one that celebrates the best book from 15 years ago that never won a major award…We could call it the Cassandra Prize (as in, a visionary book that no one fully appreciated in its time)”
Now this is a literary prize the Backlist Vault can get behind! Countless excellent books don’t receive the fanfare and acclaim that they deserve when they go on sale, often for reasons well beyond the control of everyone involved. (Unfun fact: September 11, 2001 was indeed a Tuesday.) So in the spirit of Rebecca Makkai, here is a shortlist of sorts: some of our still-in-print books from 2008 that may merit a second read. Any other suggestions? Email syurch@prh.com.
See below or click here for the list.