Richard Preston, author portrait
© Robert Lewis

Richard Preston

Richard Preston is the bestselling author of The Hot Zone, The Demon in the Freezer, The Wild Trees, and the novel The Cobra Event. A writer for The New Yorker since 1985, Preston is the only nondoctor to have received the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Champion of Prevention Award. He also holds an award from the American Institute of Physics. Preston lives outside of New York City.
Crisis in the Red Zone
Panic in Level 4
The Wild Trees
The Demon in the Freezer
The Hot Zone
The Cobra Event
First Light


Crisis in the Red Zone
Panic in Level 4
The Wild Trees
The Demon in the Freezer
The Hot Zone
The Cobra Event
First Light

Covid-19 Books Starting to Arrive in the Marketplace

As consumers grapple with a potential fourth wave of COVID-19 and vaccinations ramp up *just* faster than variants are overtaking certain parts of the country, it’s also time for market to begin to see books on the subject. Larry Wright’s A PLAGUE YEAR goes on sale in early June, and Nina Burleigh’s VIRUS hits shelves even sooner. Other books about epidemics, pandemics, and diseases may see sales increases as they did early in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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