Ken Forkish, author portrait
© Alan Weiner

Ken Forkish

Ken Forkish is the founder of Ken’s Artisan Pizza and Ken’s Artisan Bakery. He is the bestselling author of Evolutions in Bread and Flour Water Salt Yeast, which won both a James Beard and IACP award, and The Elements of Pizza.


Baking Cookbooks

Your sourdough starter from the early days of lockdown may be long dead, but baking cookbooks are alive and kicking! With the weather finally cool enough in most parts of the country to turn the oven on, a new season of The Great British Baking Show on Netflix, and the holidays just around the corner,

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Pizza is Hot

Pizza is all the rage according to this article in Marker, which reports that “We are a nation in the throes of an unprecedented eight-month pizza binge that shows no signs of abating.” Fortune Magazine, states here, that we are eating a lot more pizza than ever before. Your accounts will want to stock up

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Pizza is Hot