author portrait
© Jenny Zarins

Tara Wigley

TARA WIGLEY spent a decade working in publishing--at the Abner Stein Literary Agency in London and then Simon & Schuster--before going to cookery school in Ireland. She has developed, tested, and writen recipes for Ottolenghi's weekly column in the Guardian magazine and monthly New York Times's columns, as well as for his cookbooks. She is the co-author of Ottolenghi Simple (2018), with Yotam Ottolenghi. For Falastin, Tara has travelled with Tamimi in Palestine and eaten her body weight in chickpeas and tahini.


Plant-Based Cooking

More Americans than ever are adopting a plant-based diet—at least part-time. The number of people who identify as vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian has been steadily rising over the past several years, and nonwhite Americans are three times as likely to be vegetarian as white Americans. Most people who adopt a more plant-based diet make the

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