Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish

A Creative and Proven Approach

Illustrated by Andy Warhol
$13.99 US
On sale Sep 26, 2012 | 9780307754875
Sales rights: World
Use the English you already know to quickly learn the basics of Spanish with this unique, accessible guide featuring original illustrations by Andy Warhol—from one of America’s most prominent language teachers.

Read, write, and speak Spanish in only a few short weeks! Even the most reluctant learner will be astonished at the ease and effectiveness of Margarita Madrigal’s unique method of teaching a foreign language. Completely eliminating rote memorization and painfully boring drills, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish is guaranteed to help you:

• Learn to speak, read, and write Spanish quickly and easily
• Convert English into Spanish in an instant
• Start forming sentences after the very first lesson
• Identify thousands of Spanish words within a few weeks of study
• Travel to Spanish-speaking countries with confidence and comfort
• Develop perfect pronunciation, thanks to a handy pronunciation key

With original black-and-white illustration by Andy Warhol, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish will provide readers with a solid foundation upon which to build their language skills.

At this moment you know several thousand Spanish words even if you have never seen or heard a Spanish word before. You are not aware of these words simply because they have not been pointed out to you. In this book I'm going to show you how easy it is to learn Spanish by showing you how much you already know. For instance, have you ever seen these Spanish words before?


Can you recognize any of these words?


If you can recognize even a few of these words, the Spanish language is yours for the taking.

It is encouraging to know that you can identify thousands upon thousands of Spanish words at sight. But it is really exciting to discover that with a few hints you yourself can form these words and that you can start out on your venture of learning Spanish with a large, ready-made vocabulary. When you study this method you will find that you will not only have the ability to recognize words, but that it will actually be within your power to convert English words into Spanish words.

Furthermore, you will learn what to do with these words. You will feel the thrill of starting right out forming sentences from the very first lesson. You will learn to think in Spanish and you will know the beauty and rhythm of spoken Spanish. When you finish this course you will be able to go to a Spanish-speaking country and talk to the people and understand them.

From the time man first began to learn foreign tongues down to the present time, language methods have relied on memory and not on the pupil's powers of creation. Now the process is reversed. This book will teach you to create. The very first lesson will prove to you that you can create at least one hundred times more material than you could possibly memorize in the same given time. Furthermore, the process of creation is exciting, whereas mechanical memorizing is tremendously boring. Also consider that you are apt to forget a word that you memorize mechanically. But a word that you create stays with you forever.

The motto of this book, if such there be, is "And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche" (Chaucer). From my own experience I know that what is not gladly learned is not learned at all. It is the essence of this method to make learning Spanish a pleasure for you. I have tried to guide you lovingly through the language. Every means of making it easy for you has been incorporated into this book. Thousands of questions that have been asked by former students have made it possible for me to anticipate your questions and to answer them.

Do you believe that you cannot learn a foreign tongue?

Did you study languages in school and fail to learn to speak them?

Do you know a great many Spanish words that you cannot put into sentences?

Were you ever bored in a language class?

Have you thought that learning a new language involved so much work that it couldn't fit into your schedule?

If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions above, this method is for you.

This book will teach you to:

1. Speak Spanish
2. Read Spanish
3. Write in Spanish
4. Think in Spanish

This is not an empty promise. The method has proved successful with more than a quarter of a million people in the span of a few years. Not one student who has started this method has failed. Some went more slowly than others, but in the end every student learned more Spanish for every hour that he spent with the book than he had thought possible in his fondest dreams.

This method, which has worked with so many students, will work with you. Turn to Lesson I and prove this to yourseif right now.


Use the English you already know to quickly learn the basics of Spanish with this unique, accessible guide featuring original illustrations by Andy Warhol—from one of America’s most prominent language teachers.

Read, write, and speak Spanish in only a few short weeks! Even the most reluctant learner will be astonished at the ease and effectiveness of Margarita Madrigal’s unique method of teaching a foreign language. Completely eliminating rote memorization and painfully boring drills, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish is guaranteed to help you:

• Learn to speak, read, and write Spanish quickly and easily
• Convert English into Spanish in an instant
• Start forming sentences after the very first lesson
• Identify thousands of Spanish words within a few weeks of study
• Travel to Spanish-speaking countries with confidence and comfort
• Develop perfect pronunciation, thanks to a handy pronunciation key

With original black-and-white illustration by Andy Warhol, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish will provide readers with a solid foundation upon which to build their language skills.



At this moment you know several thousand Spanish words even if you have never seen or heard a Spanish word before. You are not aware of these words simply because they have not been pointed out to you. In this book I'm going to show you how easy it is to learn Spanish by showing you how much you already know. For instance, have you ever seen these Spanish words before?


Can you recognize any of these words?


If you can recognize even a few of these words, the Spanish language is yours for the taking.

It is encouraging to know that you can identify thousands upon thousands of Spanish words at sight. But it is really exciting to discover that with a few hints you yourself can form these words and that you can start out on your venture of learning Spanish with a large, ready-made vocabulary. When you study this method you will find that you will not only have the ability to recognize words, but that it will actually be within your power to convert English words into Spanish words.

Furthermore, you will learn what to do with these words. You will feel the thrill of starting right out forming sentences from the very first lesson. You will learn to think in Spanish and you will know the beauty and rhythm of spoken Spanish. When you finish this course you will be able to go to a Spanish-speaking country and talk to the people and understand them.

From the time man first began to learn foreign tongues down to the present time, language methods have relied on memory and not on the pupil's powers of creation. Now the process is reversed. This book will teach you to create. The very first lesson will prove to you that you can create at least one hundred times more material than you could possibly memorize in the same given time. Furthermore, the process of creation is exciting, whereas mechanical memorizing is tremendously boring. Also consider that you are apt to forget a word that you memorize mechanically. But a word that you create stays with you forever.

The motto of this book, if such there be, is "And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche" (Chaucer). From my own experience I know that what is not gladly learned is not learned at all. It is the essence of this method to make learning Spanish a pleasure for you. I have tried to guide you lovingly through the language. Every means of making it easy for you has been incorporated into this book. Thousands of questions that have been asked by former students have made it possible for me to anticipate your questions and to answer them.

Do you believe that you cannot learn a foreign tongue?

Did you study languages in school and fail to learn to speak them?

Do you know a great many Spanish words that you cannot put into sentences?

Were you ever bored in a language class?

Have you thought that learning a new language involved so much work that it couldn't fit into your schedule?

If you can answer "yes" to any of the questions above, this method is for you.

This book will teach you to:

1. Speak Spanish
2. Read Spanish
3. Write in Spanish
4. Think in Spanish

This is not an empty promise. The method has proved successful with more than a quarter of a million people in the span of a few years. Not one student who has started this method has failed. Some went more slowly than others, but in the end every student learned more Spanish for every hour that he spent with the book than he had thought possible in his fondest dreams.

This method, which has worked with so many students, will work with you. Turn to Lesson I and prove this to yourseif right now.

The Latest Backlist BookTok Phenom

Julia (@thepeliroja) has been documenting her journey to learn Spanish on TikTok to her more than 15k followers. Her favorite resource? Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish, a backlist gem from 1989 that relies on existing knowledge of English to learn Spanish more efficiently (plus, it contains illustrations by Andy Warhol). She sings the praises of

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