The Night Before Kindergarten Graduation

Illustrated by Amy Wummer
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Best Seller
$5.99 US
Penguin Young Readers | Grosset & Dunlap
120 per carton
On sale Apr 09, 2019 | 978-1-5247-9001-1
Age 4-6 years
Reading Level: Lexile AD520L
Sales rights: World
It's time to celebrate kindergarten graduation in Natasha Wing's best-selling series featuring rhyming text in the style of the classic Clement C. Moore holiday poem.

Get ready for a major milestone: kindergarten graduation! Of course, there's a lot of preparation the night before as kids prepare for the momentous occasion. This is a great school-year follow-up to The Night Before Kindergarten!

The Night Before Kindergarten Graduation - Read Aloud with Natasha Wing | Brightly Storytime


It's time to celebrate kindergarten graduation in Natasha Wing's best-selling series featuring rhyming text in the style of the classic Clement C. Moore holiday poem.

Get ready for a major milestone: kindergarten graduation! Of course, there's a lot of preparation the night before as kids prepare for the momentous occasion. This is a great school-year follow-up to The Night Before Kindergarten!


The Night Before Kindergarten Graduation - Read Aloud with Natasha Wing | Brightly Storytime