The Night Before First Grade

Illustrated by Deborah Zemke
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Best Seller
$5.99 US
Penguin Young Readers | Grosset & Dunlap
160 per carton
On sale Jul 21, 2005 | 978-0-448-43747-7
Age 5-6 years
Reading Level: Lexile 510L
Sales rights: World
It's the night before the Big Day—first grade. Penny is excited to start the year with her best friend right beside her in the same classroom. This humorous take on Clement C. Moore's classic tale has a perfect twist ending that will surprise readers—as well as the “heroine” of the story—and help all about-to-be first-graders through their own back-to-school jitters.


It's the night before the Big Day—first grade. Penny is excited to start the year with her best friend right beside her in the same classroom. This humorous take on Clement C. Moore's classic tale has a perfect twist ending that will surprise readers—as well as the “heroine” of the story—and help all about-to-be first-graders through their own back-to-school jitters.