As a young girl, I relentlessly pursued every whim, dream, and desire that crossed the movie screen of my mind. I knew no fear. I believed in angels and guides from the world of Spirit, also known as the Great Mystery, Universe, God, Goddess, or any name you prefer. The idea of
Spirit may be new to some people, and so I want to emphasize that each time I reference Spirit, I am pointing to an energetic force of Love and Light that is known by many names. I have chosen the name Spirit because it resonates with me and it is most often used to identify this Divine power. Spirit guides can be deities, angels, animals, crystals, ancestors, plants, directions, elements, or any other beneficial energy or entity.
I have always been aware of the subtle energies around me, from a passing stranger’s sidelong glance to the cool tingle that indicates the presence of Spirit. In time, I excitedly tried to share my experiences with others. I wasn’t well received. It was as if I were speaking a different language when I spoke of miracles or the profound impact of Spirit on my life. People called me weird and shut me out. Feeling hurt and alone, I worked hard to quiet the opinions, comments, and judgments of others so I could listen to the inner voice of my own free will, knowing, and individual spark.
At first, I was reckless and chased every wild whim (some quite dangerous) just to prove that I was in control of my decisions, but true self-reliance needs no approval from others. Instead of following the angry voice screaming at me to rebel against society and break down all my boundaries, I began to listen to the quieter, calming one within.
I am not saying we shouldn’t push our limitations once in a while. That youthful teenage impulse to challenge everything is what keeps society from conforming to one mindset and us from falling dormant in a mundane, colorless life. I still took risks, but the risks I’m talking about pertain to a willingness to be who I was meant to be—a beloved and proud child of Spirit. This unbreakable, unapologetic will to be true to yourself is the cornerstone of magick.
Before I wrote the previous edition of this book,
The Teen Spell Book, in 2001, I knew I was still angry and hurt about things that had happened in my past and I was letting these bitter feelings affect my present. It can be a long journey to heal wounds from our youth and teen years, especially if you bury them deep inside. I knew writing
The Teen Spell Book would bring up these hurt feelings, but I also understood these wounds had become underlying negative influences in my life. It was a daring adventure! I read through old diaries from my teen years and sought out all the times I had felt disconnected from Spirit and my own lovability. I associated an emotion or action with each of these moments and wrote meditations, visualizations, and affirmations—that is, spells—to move toward my divinity and unconditional self-love.
The Book of Spells, I hope to once again reach out, help you up, and serve as a nonjudgmental and accepting presence while you embark on your unique path of expression and connection with Spirit. It is difficult to be a lone light in a world where most others find it easier to shroud themselves in darkness—but do not give up. You are not alone.
Sisters and brothers, we are torchbearers emerging from darkness, bringing the light of awareness to the forefront of society. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them,” said Albert Einstein. You possess the talent and ability to make all your dreams come true. The honor of keeping the lore of these wise ancient teachings alive rests on your capable shoulders. You have the power. You
are power. You are the medicine you have been looking for.
Copyright © 2019 by Jamie Della. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.