The official magazine of the Star Wars saga presents an amazing collection of exclusive illustrated Star Wars: The High Republic short stories, written by The New York Times’ best-selling authors Charles Soule, Justina Ireland, and Cavan Scott and including concept art illustration and original art by Louie De Martinis.
Now in a special digest edition!
EXPERIENCE THE GALAXY CENTURIES BEFORE THE STRUGGLE OF THE REBEL ALLIANCE AGAINST THE GALACTIC EMPIRE! A compendium of stories from the High Republic era, collected from the pages of Star Wars Insider for the first time! Characters such as Joss and Pikka Adren, Burryaga Agaburry, Avar Kriss, Nib Assek, and Mikkel Sutmani feature in a variety of adventures aboard the Starlight Beacon.
Written by The New York Times’ best-selling authors Charles Soule, Justina Ireland, and Cavan Scott.
Plus in-depth interviews with the story architects behind the bestselling multimedia project.
Stories included:
Go Together by Charles Soule
First Duty by Cavan Scott
Hidden Danger by Justina Ireland
Past Mistakes by Cavan Scott
Shadows Remain by Justina Ireland
"This is a must-read for any High Republic Phase I fan looking for some great stories..." The Rogue Rebels
"Starlight Stories is a great deal for fans of THR. The newly accessible short stories are a lot of fun and bring a lot of flavor to Phase I." Mynock Manor
The official magazine of the Star Wars saga presents an amazing collection of exclusive illustrated Star Wars: The High Republic short stories, written by The New York Times’ best-selling authors Charles Soule, Justina Ireland, and Cavan Scott and including concept art illustration and original art by Louie De Martinis.
Now in a special digest edition!
EXPERIENCE THE GALAXY CENTURIES BEFORE THE STRUGGLE OF THE REBEL ALLIANCE AGAINST THE GALACTIC EMPIRE! A compendium of stories from the High Republic era, collected from the pages of Star Wars Insider for the first time! Characters such as Joss and Pikka Adren, Burryaga Agaburry, Avar Kriss, Nib Assek, and Mikkel Sutmani feature in a variety of adventures aboard the Starlight Beacon.
Written by The New York Times’ best-selling authors Charles Soule, Justina Ireland, and Cavan Scott.
Plus in-depth interviews with the story architects behind the bestselling multimedia project.
Stories included:
Go Together by Charles Soule
First Duty by Cavan Scott
Hidden Danger by Justina Ireland
Past Mistakes by Cavan Scott
Shadows Remain by Justina Ireland
"This is a must-read for any High Republic Phase I fan looking for some great stories..." The Rogue Rebels
"Starlight Stories is a great deal for fans of THR. The newly accessible short stories are a lot of fun and bring a lot of flavor to Phase I." Mynock Manor