The hit comic series based on the world-famous, fan favorite animated epic continues with this fifth volume, featuring an all-new twist on the classic transforming-jetfighters-versus-giant-aliens adventure! The war between the humans and the giant Zentraedi aliens continues - and the aliens and humans discover traitors amongst their ranks...
Collecting issues 17 to 20 of Titan Comics' smash hit series. The Zentraedi/human war continues - it's all-out war and the fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Plus with the 'Event Horizon' event looming, secrets are revealed which will change everything you know about the Robotech universe...
"Offering fans of the show a new way to experience the saga of space war, intrigue, love, and betrayal...Highly recommended, especially to military sci-fi connoisseurs!" - Midwest Book Review
The hit comic series based on the world-famous, fan favorite animated epic continues with this fifth volume, featuring an all-new twist on the classic transforming-jetfighters-versus-giant-aliens adventure! The war between the humans and the giant Zentraedi aliens continues - and the aliens and humans discover traitors amongst their ranks...
Collecting issues 17 to 20 of Titan Comics' smash hit series. The Zentraedi/human war continues - it's all-out war and the fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Plus with the 'Event Horizon' event looming, secrets are revealed which will change everything you know about the Robotech universe...
"Offering fans of the show a new way to experience the saga of space war, intrigue, love, and betrayal...Highly recommended, especially to military sci-fi connoisseurs!" - Midwest Book Review