Over the centuries, extraterrestrial hunters of the Yautja race—also known as the Predators—have encountered (and stalked) humans on Earth and in the depths of space. Offered here are sixteen all-new stories of such hunts, written by many of today’s most extraordinary authors: Kevin J. Anderson Jennifer Brozek Larry Correia Mira Grant Tim Lebbon Jonathan Maberry Andrew Mayne Weston Ochse S. D. Perry Steve Perry Jeremy Robinson John Shirley Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Holly Roberds Peter J. Wacks and David Boop Wendy N. Wagner Dayton Ward Inspired by the events of the original Predator movies, graphic novels, and novels, these adventures pit hunter against prey in life-and-death struggles where there can be only one victor.
“a very tightly woven network of crazy fun and crazy violent action that will leave you wanting more” - Hey Poor Player
“Get to the Bookstore!!!...a solid anthology of well-written Yautja-centric stories that you won’t want to miss” Adventures In Poor Taste
“an impressive roster of authors” - Ravenous Monster
Over the centuries, extraterrestrial hunters of the Yautja race—also known as the Predators—have encountered (and stalked) humans on Earth and in the depths of space. Offered here are sixteen all-new stories of such hunts, written by many of today’s most extraordinary authors: Kevin J. Anderson Jennifer Brozek Larry Correia Mira Grant Tim Lebbon Jonathan Maberry Andrew Mayne Weston Ochse S. D. Perry Steve Perry Jeremy Robinson John Shirley Bryan Thomas Schmidt and Holly Roberds Peter J. Wacks and David Boop Wendy N. Wagner Dayton Ward Inspired by the events of the original Predator movies, graphic novels, and novels, these adventures pit hunter against prey in life-and-death struggles where there can be only one victor.
“a very tightly woven network of crazy fun and crazy violent action that will leave you wanting more” - Hey Poor Player
“Get to the Bookstore!!!...a solid anthology of well-written Yautja-centric stories that you won’t want to miss” Adventures In Poor Taste
“an impressive roster of authors” - Ravenous Monster