Prince Corum Jhaelen embarks on an epic journey of fate and vengeance through all the fifteen planes of Earth, even to the very center of Time-the still, blue city of Tanelorn. Acclaimed author Michael Moorcock weaves stunning blend of magic, heroism, and wonder.
"Superbly adapted by author Mike Baron to a graphic novel format that is exquisitely illustrated by Mike Mignola, Michael Moorcock once again weaves stunning blend of magic, heroism, and wonder for a whole new generation of appreciative readers." -Midwest Book Review
"A fantastic resource for the Mignola fans who want to see his early developing style." - Comic Crusaders
Prince Corum Jhaelen embarks on an epic journey of fate and vengeance through all the fifteen planes of Earth, even to the very center of Time-the still, blue city of Tanelorn. Acclaimed author Michael Moorcock weaves stunning blend of magic, heroism, and wonder.
"Superbly adapted by author Mike Baron to a graphic novel format that is exquisitely illustrated by Mike Mignola, Michael Moorcock once again weaves stunning blend of magic, heroism, and wonder for a whole new generation of appreciative readers." -Midwest Book Review
"A fantastic resource for the Mignola fans who want to see his early developing style." - Comic Crusaders