Misfits of Avalon Volume 1: The Queen of Air and Delinquency

Illustrated by Kel McDonald
$7.99 US
Dark Horse Comics | Dark Horse Books
On sale Oct 28, 2014 | 978-1-63008-146-1
Sales rights: World
Four misfit teens are reluctant recruits to save the mystical isle of Avalon. Magically empowered and directed by a talking dog, they must stop the rise of King Arthur. As they struggle to become a team, they’re faced with the discovery that they may not be the good guys . . . Book 1 of 3.

* Magical-girl manga with an Arthurian twist!

* From the creator of Sorcery 101!


Four misfit teens are reluctant recruits to save the mystical isle of Avalon. Magically empowered and directed by a talking dog, they must stop the rise of King Arthur. As they struggle to become a team, they’re faced with the discovery that they may not be the good guys . . . Book 1 of 3.

* Magical-girl manga with an Arthurian twist!

* From the creator of Sorcery 101!