I'm Sorry

The Art of Apology and The Gift of Forgiveness

Author June Eding
Edited by Anna Krusinski
$12.50 US
Hatherleigh Books | Hatherleigh Press
24 per carton
On sale Jun 26, 2012 | 9781578264131
Sales rights: World
I'm Sorry is an inspirational book designed to provide readers with thoughtful ways to apologize as well as how to bring about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Apology and forgiveness are essential aspects of human interaction. When we have wronged or hurt someone we love, it is important for the health of the relationship that we apologize and forgive.

The delicate balance of apology and forgiveness is one that must be maintained to preserve both our emotional and physical well-being and the spirit of the relationship that connects us. Whether at home or at work, you will discover in these pages powerful actions and strategies to bring about healing.

As it has been said: An apology is a friendship preserver, an antidote for hatred, never a sign of weakness; it costs nothing but one’s pride, always saves more than it costs, and is a device needed in every home.

Rich with thought-provoking quotes providing inspiration, I'm Sorry is a wonderful book for friends and family and a great gift idea for those you love.
I'm Sorry: The Art of Apology & the Gift of Forgiveness is a healthy relationships handbook exploring the graceful art of apology and the gift of forgiveness. These are two extremely important interactions, crucial to continued serenity or just balanced mental health. Studded with famous, relevant quotations, I'm Sorry explores the value of apology and forgiveness in human interactions. Here is an example: "To forgive is indeed the best form of self-interest since anger, resentment, and revenge are corrosive of that 'summum bonum,' the greatest good." Desmond Tutu (p.78). First defining, then explaining and encouraging the reader to step up to the challenge of making apologies and forgiving others for perceived wrongs. This is at the heart of many religious disciplines' first principles, and also to the betterment of the human race. I'm Sorry is a handbook to help maintain human relationships, of the first order.
 -- Nancy Lorraine, Midwest Book Review


I'm Sorry is an inspirational book designed to provide readers with thoughtful ways to apologize as well as how to bring about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Apology and forgiveness are essential aspects of human interaction. When we have wronged or hurt someone we love, it is important for the health of the relationship that we apologize and forgive.

The delicate balance of apology and forgiveness is one that must be maintained to preserve both our emotional and physical well-being and the spirit of the relationship that connects us. Whether at home or at work, you will discover in these pages powerful actions and strategies to bring about healing.

As it has been said: An apology is a friendship preserver, an antidote for hatred, never a sign of weakness; it costs nothing but one’s pride, always saves more than it costs, and is a device needed in every home.

Rich with thought-provoking quotes providing inspiration, I'm Sorry is a wonderful book for friends and family and a great gift idea for those you love.


I'm Sorry: The Art of Apology & the Gift of Forgiveness is a healthy relationships handbook exploring the graceful art of apology and the gift of forgiveness. These are two extremely important interactions, crucial to continued serenity or just balanced mental health. Studded with famous, relevant quotations, I'm Sorry explores the value of apology and forgiveness in human interactions. Here is an example: "To forgive is indeed the best form of self-interest since anger, resentment, and revenge are corrosive of that 'summum bonum,' the greatest good." Desmond Tutu (p.78). First defining, then explaining and encouraging the reader to step up to the challenge of making apologies and forgiving others for perceived wrongs. This is at the heart of many religious disciplines' first principles, and also to the betterment of the human race. I'm Sorry is a handbook to help maintain human relationships, of the first order.
 -- Nancy Lorraine, Midwest Book Review