The EC Archives: MD

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$49.99 US
Dark Horse Comics | Dark Horse Books
10 per carton
On sale Aug 31, 2021 | 978-1-5067-0270-4
Sales rights: World
Dramatic tales of medicine and surgery, and of modern medicine's constant struggle against illness and injury.
The doctor is the hero of these stories, where diseases can be just as deadly as a murderer.

This hardcover volume collects the complete run of MD, recolored digitally using the original palette, featuring art by legendary comics talents Reed Crandall, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingels, and George Evans.

Collects MD issues #1-#5.


Dramatic tales of medicine and surgery, and of modern medicine's constant struggle against illness and injury.
The doctor is the hero of these stories, where diseases can be just as deadly as a murderer.

This hardcover volume collects the complete run of MD, recolored digitally using the original palette, featuring art by legendary comics talents Reed Crandall, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingels, and George Evans.

Collects MD issues #1-#5.