Living with the Dead: A Zombie Bromance (Second Edition)

$9.99 US
Dark Horse Comics | Dark Horse Books
80 per carton
On sale Jul 12, 2016 | 9781506700625
Sales rights: World
Life in the big city has its problems: traffic, overpopulation, and crime, not to mention the brain-hungry living dead. But for hard rockers Straw and Whip, life among the flesh-eating populace is easy. They pass their time disguising themselves to fit in with the decaying hordes, pilfering musical instruments from deserted shopping malls, eating like kings, and performing rooftop rock shows . . . until they meet a gun-crazy vixen named Betty. Soon the duo begin to feel the flames of jealousy over who in all likelihood is the last woman on earth.


Life in the big city has its problems: traffic, overpopulation, and crime, not to mention the brain-hungry living dead. But for hard rockers Straw and Whip, life among the flesh-eating populace is easy. They pass their time disguising themselves to fit in with the decaying hordes, pilfering musical instruments from deserted shopping malls, eating like kings, and performing rooftop rock shows . . . until they meet a gun-crazy vixen named Betty. Soon the duo begin to feel the flames of jealousy over who in all likelihood is the last woman on earth.