The complete adventures of the quirky Cold War superhero - launched in 1954 by the creators of Captain America - are presented here in an affordable graphic novel format, with weird and wonderful characters like Yucha Liffso, Jiseppi the Jungle Boy and Poison Ivan!
Explosive adventures from the legendary Simon and Kirby!
"Beautiful reproductions of superbly drawn Simon and Kirby works, resplendent, off-beat villains, a few nice plot twists and what amounts to an en–thralling time capsule of the America of the 1950s." - Gannett - Montgomery Advisor
Praise for The Simon and Kirby Superheroes:
"A beautiful and expansive book that collects so much of [Jack] Kirby and Joe Simon's great efforts." -- Washington Post
"As much a valuable historical artefact as it is a compilation of fantastic comic book classics. 10/10. An essential collection." -- Total Sci-Fi Online
The complete adventures of the quirky Cold War superhero - launched in 1954 by the creators of Captain America - are presented here in an affordable graphic novel format, with weird and wonderful characters like Yucha Liffso, Jiseppi the Jungle Boy and Poison Ivan!
Explosive adventures from the legendary Simon and Kirby!
"Beautiful reproductions of superbly drawn Simon and Kirby works, resplendent, off-beat villains, a few nice plot twists and what amounts to an en–thralling time capsule of the America of the 1950s." - Gannett - Montgomery Advisor
Praise for The Simon and Kirby Superheroes:
"A beautiful and expansive book that collects so much of [Jack] Kirby and Joe Simon's great efforts." -- Washington Post
"As much a valuable historical artefact as it is a compilation of fantastic comic book classics. 10/10. An essential collection." -- Total Sci-Fi Online