God of Tomorrow

How to Overcome the Fears of Today and Renew Your Hope for the Future

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PRH Christian Publishing | WaterBrook
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On sale May 15, 2018 | 9780735289987
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With a voice of reason and grace, pastor Caleb Kaltenbach challenges the church to choose the path of hope in response to polarizing cultural issues that are straight from the front pages of today’s newspapers.

Divergent politics, immigration issues, bullying, re-defining family, racism, terrorism, new ways of categorizing people, and multiple other issues are negatively impacting our communities today. Some feel the country we live in now isn't the same one they lived in twenty years ago. Culture is consistently changing, and many Christians are nervous about what tomorrow will bring.

However, we don't need to worry, because we serve the God of tomorrow. Culture will always change, but God never changes. God owns tomorrow. He has been in tomorrow, prepared tomorrow, and will walk with us into tomorrow. He will help us handle our ever-shifting culture as we journey forward.

Every cultural issue we deal with today is something that Jesus dealt with in his day. The issues are the same, they just look different. Yet Jesus trusted the God of Tomorrow and knew that he was in complete control. Because of his trust in God, Jesus engaged culture in a very intentional way, and we can do likewise.

God of Tomorrow
includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter, providing a great platform for small groups to dialogue about these culturally-relevant topics.


Punched by Tomorrow

It was midmorning on Friday, June 26, 2015, and I was getting ready for the final day of a Christian leadership conference I was attending. I had spent a long week in Cincinnati with friends and ministry colleagues. The days had been filled with meetings and speaking opportunities about my then-upcoming book, Messy Grace, in which I tell my story of growing up with both parents in same-sex relationships, becoming a follower of Jesus, and learning how to relate to both the LGBTQ community and the Christian community. I was looking forward to a less busy weekend and returning to California to be with my wife and kids.

Then the text alert on my phone went off. I was puzzled by the message. A friend had merely sent this line: “God help us.” I wasn’t sure what his text meant but figured maybe it was some awkward spiritual encouragement.

Remembering I wanted to be on time for the morning’s final main session, I set the phone down, turned the volume off, and finished packing and getting ready. Nearly ready to walk out the door with my suitcase, I picked up my wallet and phone. I noticed my phone was displaying text message after text message. Some of them read as follows:

“What are you going to preach on now?”

“God is still in control.”

“You need to celebrate with people on Sunday!”

“This is a chance for you to stand up for what’s right.”

There were many other texts, but one let me know exactly what had happened. A pastor friend texted me: “Bro, I sure wish your book was available now.”

The Supreme Court had been expected to announce its decision on Obergefell v. Hodges (marriage equality). No doubt it had been announced that the court had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, and thus the wave of text after text.

Just as I was about to check the news, I got a call on my cell phone. It was a number from my home area code, so I answered—I thought it could be my wife or kids using somebody else’s phone. In a glimpse of what was to come this weekend, the call was from a journalist with a Southern California newspaper. “Reverend Kaltenbach, what is your reaction to the Supreme Court ruling?”

I didn’t answer at first. It took me a couple of moments. I hadn’t even seen a news broadcast, read an article, or listened to an interview since the court announcement. The wheels in my mind were still spinning. My mom, her partner (Vera), and my dad had talked about this day for years. They couldn’t wait to celebrate a day like this. But certainly not everyone felt the same. During my week in Cincinnati, I’d had a few conversations with pastors and leaders about the upcoming ruling on marriage equality. Some asked if I believed the Supreme Court would rule in favor of keeping marriage between one man and one woman. My answer to them was simple: “Nope.” This response hadn’t been greeted with universal joy.

As quickly as I could, I ended the call with the journalist, turned off my phone, and headed out of the hotel room to put my luggage in my car. Shortly afterward, as I walked out of the parking garage, I saw that the change in society had already reached downtown Cincinnati. The streets had been lined with rainbow flags during the week, but now there were more. A gay pride parade had been scheduled for downtown later that weekend, but with the ruling now public, the celebration had started early. People were dancing on the sidewalks, cheering, hugging, high-fiving, and shouting, “Victory! Victory!” Loud celebratory music was pumping from cars, and a few people were running through the streets. Meanwhile, a couple of people were waving homemade signs of protest on street corners.

When I walked into the convention center, the doors to the main hall opened and people began walking out as I was walking in. Some pastors had their heads down; some were obviously angry; some were expressing their happiness that there was equality in marriage. A variety of emotions filled the crowd leaving the session.

One new acquaintance came up to me as he exited the main session. Earlier in the week, he had been in a workshop I had taught on the church and the LGBTQ community. I remembered that he’d had a series of questions after I taught the workshop. Today he shook my hand and said, “Well, thank you for trying.” What in the world did that even mean? His next comment puzzled me even more: “I don’t know what tomorrow holds.”

Then he walked away without even giving me a chance to respond. I didn’t know his name, but I knew that he and a lot of people were in a tailspin on this day. Probably most Christians who are conservative or evangelical or who identify as such saw this as a day when everything in America changed. I can understand that (especially from a political standpoint), but for me everything had changed a while ago. Actually, even before I became a Christian as a teenager, I knew that a major shift in society was taking place. Still, my acquaintance’s fearful words bothered me: I don’t know what tomorrow holds.

This book, unlike my last book, is not primarily about some Christian attitudes toward people who identify as LGBTQ. The book you’re about to read examines a much wider range of issues we face. More importantly, it goes to the heart of what we believe about God, ourselves, and the future.

And let’s be honest: it’s not just a Supreme Court decision that some evangelical and conservative Christian leaders fear. It’s not just a conservative takeover of the government that some progressive Christians worry about. Political, social, cultural, economic, and relational fears across a broad spectrum drive our emotions and frame our outlooks. I’ve been trying to figure out why the concept of tomorrow can be so frightening. I think it’s the unknown that drives our fear.

Tomorrow Can Be a Creeper

For many people, the concept of tomorrow is uncertain, alarming, and even terrifying. I mean, tomorrow is not something you can count on, right? It can be full of surprises. Tomorrow almost seems as if it has multiple personalities; sometimes it brings us good news and other times not-so-good news.

Many nights over the course of my life, I have gone to bed not knowing all the wonderful things tomorrow would bring. My tomorrows have given me the first days of new school years, new friends, an invitation to a high school Bible study that would teach me about Jesus, graduations, an exciting job at a church in Southern California, an introduction to the gorgeous woman who would become my wife, the births of my kids, new adventures, and so on. Even when I have my down periods, I have to admit there have been many good days in my life.

But there have also been many tomorrows that have negatively affected the course of my life. One time when I was two years old, I didn’t understand that the next day my parents would decide to divorce. I had no idea as I went to bed one night in December 1996 that I’d wake up to the news that my cousin had been killed in a horrible accident. Not long ago, the next day caught me by surprise when I heard that my wife’s father had had an aortic dissection and aneurysm. I could go on, but you understand that my tomorrows have been filled with lows as well as highs. So have yours.

And not only do we see uncertainty in tomorrow, but the leaders and writers of the Bible saw it too. Verses such as the following remind us of tomorrow’s ambiguity:

Do not boast about tomorrow,

for you do not know what a day may bring. (Proverbs 27:1)

When life is good, enjoy it.

But when life is hard, remember:

God gives good times and hard times,

and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. (Ecclesiastes 7:14, ncv)

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. (James 4:13–14,esv)

The events of tomorrow were unpredictable for the people in the Bible:

~  Abraham would leave his home for an unknown land far away.

~  Sarah would laugh at the mere thought of pregnancy.

~  Moses would kill an Egyptian, and his life would never be the same.

~  Deborah would be named the leader of her people.

~  Samson’s girlfriend would betray him, and he would be captured.

~  David would have an affair and unleash a chaotic chain of events.

~  Elijah would run from a queen after watching God defeat his enemies.

~  Esther would muster the courage to expose Haman’s evil.

~  A woman by a well would meet the God who created her.

~  John the Baptist would be thrown into prison.

~  Peter would deny Jesus three times.

~  Mary Magdalene and the disciples would see the risen Christ.

~  An Ethiopian eunuch would hear about the gospel.

All these people were just like you, me, and everyone else who is alive on this planet right now. We’re all individuals stuck in the arena of time who experience the progression of life through uncertain days.

Whatever tomorrow brings, the fact that it will deliver something good or bad remains inevitable. The future relentlessly engages us, whether we want it to or not. Today and its status quo might seem solid enough, but as William Shakespeare said, tomorrow is always creeping up on us.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time.

I don’t know if anybody has noticed this before, but Bill has a way with words. And he’s right about tomorrow’s persistence.

All of us have to face the reality of tomorrow and the changes it will bring. When we look at the world and see the changes that have occurred and imagine the ones that might happen, fear may enter our souls like cold iron.

Why Tomorrow Might Cause Fear

Let me make it clear that this book is not about our personal fears for tomorrow, though we have plenty of them—and they are important. You may be worried about the stability of your job, a loved one’s health, supporting a friend during her crisis, how to fix your marriage, or many more personal or family problems. I know these life situations weigh heavily on your heart, as they weigh on mine, too. In this book, however, we’re focusing more on the large-scale social changes that affect us all. The encouragement this book brings can apply easily to your personal problems, and I hope you’ll take it to heart. What I’m particularly trying to address is the widespread issue I see in Christians of all political and theological persuasions who fear tomorrow because of what they see transpiring in society. I don’t believe God wants us to have a toxic fear of the future or to get stuck in anxiety (even though the fear of what’s happening in society is common and serious).

And in a sense these changes in society are personal. Sooner or later, many of them will invade our lives and relationships. They’ll affect us individually by altering our moods or influencing us in more direct and tangible ways.

Maybe some of us have coworkers of a different ethnicity who have a dissimilar perspective on society and political beliefs than others do. When they encounter people who don’t understand their viewpoint, they may think, I bet they’ve never been attacked just because of the color of their skin. I’m sure they haven’t walked into a clothing store and had to deal with the salespeople eyeing them the whole time. I wonder if they’ve ever gone into an elevator and noticed the woman in the back grasping her purse tighter just because they got on the elevator. As we hear our friends talk, we can’t help but wonder if some of us are really that unaware of the privilege and resources we may have been afforded in childhood.

Or it could be that we begin our day by watching the news and reading articles that reflect the polarization of politics. Later on during the day, we have lunch with a friend who voted for the “other candidate.” A voting record hasn’t ever been a conversation stopper for us before, but now it seems that our friend becomes more incensed as our talk gravitates toward politics. It’s then that we realize how much the enormous gap between political parties has removed the potential for thoughtful dialogue with this friend. Perhaps later that night, as we watch the news channel we agree with, our emotions lean toward dismay as we consider the future of religious freedom, presidential administrations, the implications of various bills Congress might pass, social unrest, and so on.

Those examples of social change are just a start. Unfortunately, a segment in our society has a problem with our culture becoming more multiethnic. Some don’t think of racism as a huge problem in America, despite acts of violence and the continual cries of our people. We argue about immigration, the ethics of immigration reform, and the importance of loving refugees, yet somehow we forget that these discussions are more than political platforms; they’re about actual people with families, needs, and stories. As the months go on, some see our society drifting further from Judeo-Christian values, while there’s an increase in broken families and teen suicides that reveals society’s lack of concern for hurting people. There are a few who seek to put restrictions on some individuals’ expressions of faith. Today, people live in fear of terrorists and don’t even consider the atrocities committed by some governments and regimes around the world. Political leaders in a few states would count the legalization of marijuana as a victory, but have they really counted the cost of such a move? More than ever, we see a loss of civility in public discourse, the devaluing of honest conversation amid disagreements, and vile social media posts. Our prison population is increasing, shootings are becoming all too familiar, natural resources are under attack, a few politicians on both sides of the aisle are becoming more extreme, and the list could go on and on. At the root of it, for me, is that a growing number of people see a relationship with Jesus as irrelevant.

“Caleb Kaltenbach lets us know that even if today looks bleak, our future is right with God. God never changes and in no way will abandon us, yet he chooses to transform us and revolutionizes his world through us. Thank you, Caleb, for reminding us that our good God is here now and is going to be here tomorrow.”
—Kyle Idleman, best-selling author of Not a Fan and Grace Is Greater

“We have no idea how much rises and falls on our ability to love people. God of Tomorrow gives us perspective to love others well, no matter what—not only because everyone matters to God but also because we matter. And love is the only path to freedom.”
—Kristen Ivy, executive director of messaging at Orange and founder of the Phase Project

“Jesus told us to love our neighbors, because He knew that love changes everything. If you want to be challenged to love, invest in, and serve your neighbor, then I can’t recommend God of Tomorrow more highly.”
—Reggie Joiner, founder and CEO of Orange

“In an age when most voices seem extreme and debate is highly polarized, Caleb brings a needed sane, faithful perspective. He will show you how to keep your heart and mind engaged in a culture that you might not like but still need to love.”
—Carey Nieuwhof, founding pastor of Connexus Church and author of Didn’t See It Coming

“More than anything else, what our chaotic and complicated world needs is hope. Caleb Kaltenbach reminds us that Jesus is the only place where hope is found and encourages us to live so that others might see hope within us.”
—Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
“In God of Tomorrow, Caleb Kaltenbach couples brilliant insight with compassion. He powerfully demonstrates how we can exchange fear for faith and invite others into hope for the future. This well-written book is an essential guide for navigating the changes of life and culture with grace and truth.”
—Jud Wilhite, senior pastor of Central Church and author of Pursued

“The best thing about our God is that he’s the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This work, shaped by Caleb’s unique life experience and per­spective, is an important conversation for ‘such a time as this.’ Thanks, Caleb, for taking the deep dive into hard conversations!”
—Tyler Reagin, president of Catalyst

“Rather than any words we say, it’s how we treat people that communicates God’s love. God of Tomorrow will help you show people the love of God.”
—Carlos Whittaker, author of Kill the Spider

“I love Caleb’s disarming style of delivering tough, enduring truths. He is an authentic voice for this generation.”
—Dennis Rainey, cofounder of FamilyLife, a Cru ministry

“In a growingly divisive world, the church is at a crossroads. Caleb’s work provides a powerful and hopeful way forward that every Christian needs! In fact, the future influence of the church might just depend on whether or not we choose to apply the road map provided by God of Tomorrow.
—Clay Scroggins, lead pastor of North Point Community Church and author of How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge

“Kaltenbach is a voice of hope for Christians struggling to remain at ease despite the uncertainties of today. I affirm his gracious reminder to Chris­tians that the future is relentlessly and eternally hopeful, regardless of politi­cal and social upheaval. God of Tomorrow propels Christ followers to trust in God, who never changes and never ceases to watch over his people.”
—Barry H. Corey, president of Biola University and author of Love Kindness
“Hurting people don’t need clever advice or another self-help book—they need the gospel! They’re desperate to know the God who cares, is in control, and has a plan for their lives. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb gives us tools so we can point to the Savior who gives us a future and offers hope.”
—Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church

“For people of faith, tomorrow can be confusing when colored by the changing world we live in today. I’m thankful that Caleb Kaltenbach has given us another must-read book that practically and biblically helps us navigate the chaos of today and restores genuine hope for tomorrow.”
—Gene Appel, senior pastor of Eastside Christian Church

“How do we as imperfect people offer hope to a broken world? Caleb urges us to look beyond ourselves. If we focus on God’s power and plan of re­demption, we’ll discover renewed courage to share hope.”
—Mike Foster, author of People of the Second Chance

“Combining solid biblical content with a pastoral heart that engages the cultural issues of the day, Caleb provides hope and encouragement for fol­lowers of Jesus amid the challenges our culture presents to faithfully living out biblical convictions. This is a calm and well-reasoned voice that is much needed today.
—Scott B. Rae, Ph.D, dean of faculty and professor of Christian ethics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“The world is broken and people are hurting. Though society doesn’t al­ways offer healthy solutions, Jesus followers have what’s needed. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb reminds us that God’s promise to redeem em­powers us to be people of joy with a message of hope.”
—Gabe Lyons, founder of Q Ideas and author of Good Faith

“I don’t know many people who’ve been through as much uncertainty and change as my friend Caleb. If your tomorrow looks similar, you need to devour this book.”
—Ashley Wooldridge, senior pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley
“Caleb Kaltenbach has a unique perspective on culture and faith. From the roots of his story in Messy Grace, he has forged a foothold in both worlds that enables him to embrace reality without abandoning hope. If you struggle with getting though the day after reading the headlines, then God of To­morrow is a must-read.”
—Lane Jones, executive director of multisite ministry at North Point Ministries

God of Tomorrow speaks life and hope into this world by reminding us who we follow and who holds our future. This is a must-read for any person who’s ever thought, Everything seems to be getting worse!
—Rusty George, lead pastor of Real Life Church and author of When You, Then God and Better Together

“Caleb Kaltenbach is an exceptional storyteller with a passion to point oth­ers back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book is much needed in a society that needs to know there is hope for the future.”
—Jason Romano, former ESPN producer and author of Live to Forgive

“With wise insight and pastoral skill, Caleb constantly lifts our gaze from the difficulty and toxicity of frightening headlines, cultural chaos, and even personal trials to the One who rules and loves.”
—Jared C. Wilson, director of content strategy at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Supernatural Power for Everyday People

“As Christians our priority should be clear: share Jesus by relentlessly loving people, no matter what. This should happen more often, but too many of us fight against or fear society. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb helps us discover courage to share hope with people who so desperately need it.”
—Dr. Tim Harlow, senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church and author of Life on Mission

“In this winsomely unique book, anchored in the antique truth of Scrip­ture, my friend Caleb Kaltenbach reminds us that God is not popping Tums over tomorrow. He is in control, so we need not fear. We can actually rejoice. What a refreshing book!”
—Bryan Loritts, lead pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship and author of Saving the Saved

“At a time when the world appears to be drifting further and further from the things of God, Caleb Kaltenbach has thoughtfully written an encour­agement to us that, no matter what happens, God is not surprised or afraid. Our peace comes from knowing that God is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow . . . and forever.”
—Dudley Rutherford, senior pastor of Shepherd Church and author of Compelled

“Caleb Kaltenbach’s new book is a breath of fresh air for a culture chok­ing on the failed philosophies and empty promises of those who have no clue about the future because they don’t know the God of tomorrow.”
—Barry L. Cameron, senior pastor of Crossroads Christian Church and best-selling author of The ABC’s of Financial Freedom

"His is a needed voice in today's society, one that places respect for others at the forefront of his message...His work is definitely relevant in these tumultous times." Christian Market 


With a voice of reason and grace, pastor Caleb Kaltenbach challenges the church to choose the path of hope in response to polarizing cultural issues that are straight from the front pages of today’s newspapers.

Divergent politics, immigration issues, bullying, re-defining family, racism, terrorism, new ways of categorizing people, and multiple other issues are negatively impacting our communities today. Some feel the country we live in now isn't the same one they lived in twenty years ago. Culture is consistently changing, and many Christians are nervous about what tomorrow will bring.

However, we don't need to worry, because we serve the God of tomorrow. Culture will always change, but God never changes. God owns tomorrow. He has been in tomorrow, prepared tomorrow, and will walk with us into tomorrow. He will help us handle our ever-shifting culture as we journey forward.

Every cultural issue we deal with today is something that Jesus dealt with in his day. The issues are the same, they just look different. Yet Jesus trusted the God of Tomorrow and knew that he was in complete control. Because of his trust in God, Jesus engaged culture in a very intentional way, and we can do likewise.

God of Tomorrow
includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter, providing a great platform for small groups to dialogue about these culturally-relevant topics.



Punched by Tomorrow

It was midmorning on Friday, June 26, 2015, and I was getting ready for the final day of a Christian leadership conference I was attending. I had spent a long week in Cincinnati with friends and ministry colleagues. The days had been filled with meetings and speaking opportunities about my then-upcoming book, Messy Grace, in which I tell my story of growing up with both parents in same-sex relationships, becoming a follower of Jesus, and learning how to relate to both the LGBTQ community and the Christian community. I was looking forward to a less busy weekend and returning to California to be with my wife and kids.

Then the text alert on my phone went off. I was puzzled by the message. A friend had merely sent this line: “God help us.” I wasn’t sure what his text meant but figured maybe it was some awkward spiritual encouragement.

Remembering I wanted to be on time for the morning’s final main session, I set the phone down, turned the volume off, and finished packing and getting ready. Nearly ready to walk out the door with my suitcase, I picked up my wallet and phone. I noticed my phone was displaying text message after text message. Some of them read as follows:

“What are you going to preach on now?”

“God is still in control.”

“You need to celebrate with people on Sunday!”

“This is a chance for you to stand up for what’s right.”

There were many other texts, but one let me know exactly what had happened. A pastor friend texted me: “Bro, I sure wish your book was available now.”

The Supreme Court had been expected to announce its decision on Obergefell v. Hodges (marriage equality). No doubt it had been announced that the court had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, and thus the wave of text after text.

Just as I was about to check the news, I got a call on my cell phone. It was a number from my home area code, so I answered—I thought it could be my wife or kids using somebody else’s phone. In a glimpse of what was to come this weekend, the call was from a journalist with a Southern California newspaper. “Reverend Kaltenbach, what is your reaction to the Supreme Court ruling?”

I didn’t answer at first. It took me a couple of moments. I hadn’t even seen a news broadcast, read an article, or listened to an interview since the court announcement. The wheels in my mind were still spinning. My mom, her partner (Vera), and my dad had talked about this day for years. They couldn’t wait to celebrate a day like this. But certainly not everyone felt the same. During my week in Cincinnati, I’d had a few conversations with pastors and leaders about the upcoming ruling on marriage equality. Some asked if I believed the Supreme Court would rule in favor of keeping marriage between one man and one woman. My answer to them was simple: “Nope.” This response hadn’t been greeted with universal joy.

As quickly as I could, I ended the call with the journalist, turned off my phone, and headed out of the hotel room to put my luggage in my car. Shortly afterward, as I walked out of the parking garage, I saw that the change in society had already reached downtown Cincinnati. The streets had been lined with rainbow flags during the week, but now there were more. A gay pride parade had been scheduled for downtown later that weekend, but with the ruling now public, the celebration had started early. People were dancing on the sidewalks, cheering, hugging, high-fiving, and shouting, “Victory! Victory!” Loud celebratory music was pumping from cars, and a few people were running through the streets. Meanwhile, a couple of people were waving homemade signs of protest on street corners.

When I walked into the convention center, the doors to the main hall opened and people began walking out as I was walking in. Some pastors had their heads down; some were obviously angry; some were expressing their happiness that there was equality in marriage. A variety of emotions filled the crowd leaving the session.

One new acquaintance came up to me as he exited the main session. Earlier in the week, he had been in a workshop I had taught on the church and the LGBTQ community. I remembered that he’d had a series of questions after I taught the workshop. Today he shook my hand and said, “Well, thank you for trying.” What in the world did that even mean? His next comment puzzled me even more: “I don’t know what tomorrow holds.”

Then he walked away without even giving me a chance to respond. I didn’t know his name, but I knew that he and a lot of people were in a tailspin on this day. Probably most Christians who are conservative or evangelical or who identify as such saw this as a day when everything in America changed. I can understand that (especially from a political standpoint), but for me everything had changed a while ago. Actually, even before I became a Christian as a teenager, I knew that a major shift in society was taking place. Still, my acquaintance’s fearful words bothered me: I don’t know what tomorrow holds.

This book, unlike my last book, is not primarily about some Christian attitudes toward people who identify as LGBTQ. The book you’re about to read examines a much wider range of issues we face. More importantly, it goes to the heart of what we believe about God, ourselves, and the future.

And let’s be honest: it’s not just a Supreme Court decision that some evangelical and conservative Christian leaders fear. It’s not just a conservative takeover of the government that some progressive Christians worry about. Political, social, cultural, economic, and relational fears across a broad spectrum drive our emotions and frame our outlooks. I’ve been trying to figure out why the concept of tomorrow can be so frightening. I think it’s the unknown that drives our fear.

Tomorrow Can Be a Creeper

For many people, the concept of tomorrow is uncertain, alarming, and even terrifying. I mean, tomorrow is not something you can count on, right? It can be full of surprises. Tomorrow almost seems as if it has multiple personalities; sometimes it brings us good news and other times not-so-good news.

Many nights over the course of my life, I have gone to bed not knowing all the wonderful things tomorrow would bring. My tomorrows have given me the first days of new school years, new friends, an invitation to a high school Bible study that would teach me about Jesus, graduations, an exciting job at a church in Southern California, an introduction to the gorgeous woman who would become my wife, the births of my kids, new adventures, and so on. Even when I have my down periods, I have to admit there have been many good days in my life.

But there have also been many tomorrows that have negatively affected the course of my life. One time when I was two years old, I didn’t understand that the next day my parents would decide to divorce. I had no idea as I went to bed one night in December 1996 that I’d wake up to the news that my cousin had been killed in a horrible accident. Not long ago, the next day caught me by surprise when I heard that my wife’s father had had an aortic dissection and aneurysm. I could go on, but you understand that my tomorrows have been filled with lows as well as highs. So have yours.

And not only do we see uncertainty in tomorrow, but the leaders and writers of the Bible saw it too. Verses such as the following remind us of tomorrow’s ambiguity:

Do not boast about tomorrow,

for you do not know what a day may bring. (Proverbs 27:1)

When life is good, enjoy it.

But when life is hard, remember:

God gives good times and hard times,

and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. (Ecclesiastes 7:14, ncv)

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. (James 4:13–14,esv)

The events of tomorrow were unpredictable for the people in the Bible:

~  Abraham would leave his home for an unknown land far away.

~  Sarah would laugh at the mere thought of pregnancy.

~  Moses would kill an Egyptian, and his life would never be the same.

~  Deborah would be named the leader of her people.

~  Samson’s girlfriend would betray him, and he would be captured.

~  David would have an affair and unleash a chaotic chain of events.

~  Elijah would run from a queen after watching God defeat his enemies.

~  Esther would muster the courage to expose Haman’s evil.

~  A woman by a well would meet the God who created her.

~  John the Baptist would be thrown into prison.

~  Peter would deny Jesus three times.

~  Mary Magdalene and the disciples would see the risen Christ.

~  An Ethiopian eunuch would hear about the gospel.

All these people were just like you, me, and everyone else who is alive on this planet right now. We’re all individuals stuck in the arena of time who experience the progression of life through uncertain days.

Whatever tomorrow brings, the fact that it will deliver something good or bad remains inevitable. The future relentlessly engages us, whether we want it to or not. Today and its status quo might seem solid enough, but as William Shakespeare said, tomorrow is always creeping up on us.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,

To the last syllable of recorded time.

I don’t know if anybody has noticed this before, but Bill has a way with words. And he’s right about tomorrow’s persistence.

All of us have to face the reality of tomorrow and the changes it will bring. When we look at the world and see the changes that have occurred and imagine the ones that might happen, fear may enter our souls like cold iron.

Why Tomorrow Might Cause Fear

Let me make it clear that this book is not about our personal fears for tomorrow, though we have plenty of them—and they are important. You may be worried about the stability of your job, a loved one’s health, supporting a friend during her crisis, how to fix your marriage, or many more personal or family problems. I know these life situations weigh heavily on your heart, as they weigh on mine, too. In this book, however, we’re focusing more on the large-scale social changes that affect us all. The encouragement this book brings can apply easily to your personal problems, and I hope you’ll take it to heart. What I’m particularly trying to address is the widespread issue I see in Christians of all political and theological persuasions who fear tomorrow because of what they see transpiring in society. I don’t believe God wants us to have a toxic fear of the future or to get stuck in anxiety (even though the fear of what’s happening in society is common and serious).

And in a sense these changes in society are personal. Sooner or later, many of them will invade our lives and relationships. They’ll affect us individually by altering our moods or influencing us in more direct and tangible ways.

Maybe some of us have coworkers of a different ethnicity who have a dissimilar perspective on society and political beliefs than others do. When they encounter people who don’t understand their viewpoint, they may think, I bet they’ve never been attacked just because of the color of their skin. I’m sure they haven’t walked into a clothing store and had to deal with the salespeople eyeing them the whole time. I wonder if they’ve ever gone into an elevator and noticed the woman in the back grasping her purse tighter just because they got on the elevator. As we hear our friends talk, we can’t help but wonder if some of us are really that unaware of the privilege and resources we may have been afforded in childhood.

Or it could be that we begin our day by watching the news and reading articles that reflect the polarization of politics. Later on during the day, we have lunch with a friend who voted for the “other candidate.” A voting record hasn’t ever been a conversation stopper for us before, but now it seems that our friend becomes more incensed as our talk gravitates toward politics. It’s then that we realize how much the enormous gap between political parties has removed the potential for thoughtful dialogue with this friend. Perhaps later that night, as we watch the news channel we agree with, our emotions lean toward dismay as we consider the future of religious freedom, presidential administrations, the implications of various bills Congress might pass, social unrest, and so on.

Those examples of social change are just a start. Unfortunately, a segment in our society has a problem with our culture becoming more multiethnic. Some don’t think of racism as a huge problem in America, despite acts of violence and the continual cries of our people. We argue about immigration, the ethics of immigration reform, and the importance of loving refugees, yet somehow we forget that these discussions are more than political platforms; they’re about actual people with families, needs, and stories. As the months go on, some see our society drifting further from Judeo-Christian values, while there’s an increase in broken families and teen suicides that reveals society’s lack of concern for hurting people. There are a few who seek to put restrictions on some individuals’ expressions of faith. Today, people live in fear of terrorists and don’t even consider the atrocities committed by some governments and regimes around the world. Political leaders in a few states would count the legalization of marijuana as a victory, but have they really counted the cost of such a move? More than ever, we see a loss of civility in public discourse, the devaluing of honest conversation amid disagreements, and vile social media posts. Our prison population is increasing, shootings are becoming all too familiar, natural resources are under attack, a few politicians on both sides of the aisle are becoming more extreme, and the list could go on and on. At the root of it, for me, is that a growing number of people see a relationship with Jesus as irrelevant.


“Caleb Kaltenbach lets us know that even if today looks bleak, our future is right with God. God never changes and in no way will abandon us, yet he chooses to transform us and revolutionizes his world through us. Thank you, Caleb, for reminding us that our good God is here now and is going to be here tomorrow.”
—Kyle Idleman, best-selling author of Not a Fan and Grace Is Greater

“We have no idea how much rises and falls on our ability to love people. God of Tomorrow gives us perspective to love others well, no matter what—not only because everyone matters to God but also because we matter. And love is the only path to freedom.”
—Kristen Ivy, executive director of messaging at Orange and founder of the Phase Project

“Jesus told us to love our neighbors, because He knew that love changes everything. If you want to be challenged to love, invest in, and serve your neighbor, then I can’t recommend God of Tomorrow more highly.”
—Reggie Joiner, founder and CEO of Orange

“In an age when most voices seem extreme and debate is highly polarized, Caleb brings a needed sane, faithful perspective. He will show you how to keep your heart and mind engaged in a culture that you might not like but still need to love.”
—Carey Nieuwhof, founding pastor of Connexus Church and author of Didn’t See It Coming

“More than anything else, what our chaotic and complicated world needs is hope. Caleb Kaltenbach reminds us that Jesus is the only place where hope is found and encourages us to live so that others might see hope within us.”
—Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
“In God of Tomorrow, Caleb Kaltenbach couples brilliant insight with compassion. He powerfully demonstrates how we can exchange fear for faith and invite others into hope for the future. This well-written book is an essential guide for navigating the changes of life and culture with grace and truth.”
—Jud Wilhite, senior pastor of Central Church and author of Pursued

“The best thing about our God is that he’s the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This work, shaped by Caleb’s unique life experience and per­spective, is an important conversation for ‘such a time as this.’ Thanks, Caleb, for taking the deep dive into hard conversations!”
—Tyler Reagin, president of Catalyst

“Rather than any words we say, it’s how we treat people that communicates God’s love. God of Tomorrow will help you show people the love of God.”
—Carlos Whittaker, author of Kill the Spider

“I love Caleb’s disarming style of delivering tough, enduring truths. He is an authentic voice for this generation.”
—Dennis Rainey, cofounder of FamilyLife, a Cru ministry

“In a growingly divisive world, the church is at a crossroads. Caleb’s work provides a powerful and hopeful way forward that every Christian needs! In fact, the future influence of the church might just depend on whether or not we choose to apply the road map provided by God of Tomorrow.
—Clay Scroggins, lead pastor of North Point Community Church and author of How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge

“Kaltenbach is a voice of hope for Christians struggling to remain at ease despite the uncertainties of today. I affirm his gracious reminder to Chris­tians that the future is relentlessly and eternally hopeful, regardless of politi­cal and social upheaval. God of Tomorrow propels Christ followers to trust in God, who never changes and never ceases to watch over his people.”
—Barry H. Corey, president of Biola University and author of Love Kindness
“Hurting people don’t need clever advice or another self-help book—they need the gospel! They’re desperate to know the God who cares, is in control, and has a plan for their lives. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb gives us tools so we can point to the Savior who gives us a future and offers hope.”
—Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church

“For people of faith, tomorrow can be confusing when colored by the changing world we live in today. I’m thankful that Caleb Kaltenbach has given us another must-read book that practically and biblically helps us navigate the chaos of today and restores genuine hope for tomorrow.”
—Gene Appel, senior pastor of Eastside Christian Church

“How do we as imperfect people offer hope to a broken world? Caleb urges us to look beyond ourselves. If we focus on God’s power and plan of re­demption, we’ll discover renewed courage to share hope.”
—Mike Foster, author of People of the Second Chance

“Combining solid biblical content with a pastoral heart that engages the cultural issues of the day, Caleb provides hope and encouragement for fol­lowers of Jesus amid the challenges our culture presents to faithfully living out biblical convictions. This is a calm and well-reasoned voice that is much needed today.
—Scott B. Rae, Ph.D, dean of faculty and professor of Christian ethics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“The world is broken and people are hurting. Though society doesn’t al­ways offer healthy solutions, Jesus followers have what’s needed. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb reminds us that God’s promise to redeem em­powers us to be people of joy with a message of hope.”
—Gabe Lyons, founder of Q Ideas and author of Good Faith

“I don’t know many people who’ve been through as much uncertainty and change as my friend Caleb. If your tomorrow looks similar, you need to devour this book.”
—Ashley Wooldridge, senior pastor of Christ’s Church of the Valley
“Caleb Kaltenbach has a unique perspective on culture and faith. From the roots of his story in Messy Grace, he has forged a foothold in both worlds that enables him to embrace reality without abandoning hope. If you struggle with getting though the day after reading the headlines, then God of To­morrow is a must-read.”
—Lane Jones, executive director of multisite ministry at North Point Ministries

God of Tomorrow speaks life and hope into this world by reminding us who we follow and who holds our future. This is a must-read for any person who’s ever thought, Everything seems to be getting worse!
—Rusty George, lead pastor of Real Life Church and author of When You, Then God and Better Together

“Caleb Kaltenbach is an exceptional storyteller with a passion to point oth­ers back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book is much needed in a society that needs to know there is hope for the future.”
—Jason Romano, former ESPN producer and author of Live to Forgive

“With wise insight and pastoral skill, Caleb constantly lifts our gaze from the difficulty and toxicity of frightening headlines, cultural chaos, and even personal trials to the One who rules and loves.”
—Jared C. Wilson, director of content strategy at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of Supernatural Power for Everyday People

“As Christians our priority should be clear: share Jesus by relentlessly loving people, no matter what. This should happen more often, but too many of us fight against or fear society. In God of Tomorrow, my friend Caleb helps us discover courage to share hope with people who so desperately need it.”
—Dr. Tim Harlow, senior pastor of Parkview Christian Church and author of Life on Mission

“In this winsomely unique book, anchored in the antique truth of Scrip­ture, my friend Caleb Kaltenbach reminds us that God is not popping Tums over tomorrow. He is in control, so we need not fear. We can actually rejoice. What a refreshing book!”
—Bryan Loritts, lead pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship and author of Saving the Saved

“At a time when the world appears to be drifting further and further from the things of God, Caleb Kaltenbach has thoughtfully written an encour­agement to us that, no matter what happens, God is not surprised or afraid. Our peace comes from knowing that God is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow . . . and forever.”
—Dudley Rutherford, senior pastor of Shepherd Church and author of Compelled

“Caleb Kaltenbach’s new book is a breath of fresh air for a culture chok­ing on the failed philosophies and empty promises of those who have no clue about the future because they don’t know the God of tomorrow.”
—Barry L. Cameron, senior pastor of Crossroads Christian Church and best-selling author of The ABC’s of Financial Freedom

"His is a needed voice in today's society, one that places respect for others at the forefront of his message...His work is definitely relevant in these tumultous times." Christian Market