In this Ralph Compton western, an outlaw tries to turn his back on crime...
Eli had always led the life of an outlaw. Cutting corners and breaking the law, he knows how to get away with pretty much anything—until he’s caught red handed attempting to rob a wagon set out as a trap.
Imprisoned and alone, Eli is unsure whether the members of his gang have made it out alive, or if the men behind the disguised wagon are after his life. But he is sure about Lyssa—the beauty who selflessly takes care of him in prison. As Eli struggles to reform his law breaking ways, he is forced to come into terms with the man he has become and who he wants to be…
More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!
Praise for the novels of Ralph Compton
“Compton offers readers a chance to hit the trail and not even end up saddle sore.”—Publishers Weekly “Compton writes in the style of popular Western novelists like Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey…thrilling stories of Western legend.”—The Huntsville Times (AL)
“If you like Louis L’Amour, you’ll love Ralph Compton.”—Quanah Tribune-Chief (TX)
In this Ralph Compton western, an outlaw tries to turn his back on crime...
Eli had always led the life of an outlaw. Cutting corners and breaking the law, he knows how to get away with pretty much anything—until he’s caught red handed attempting to rob a wagon set out as a trap.
Imprisoned and alone, Eli is unsure whether the members of his gang have made it out alive, or if the men behind the disguised wagon are after his life. But he is sure about Lyssa—the beauty who selflessly takes care of him in prison. As Eli struggles to reform his law breaking ways, he is forced to come into terms with the man he has become and who he wants to be…
More Than Six Million Ralph Compton Books In Print!
Praise for the novels of Ralph Compton
“Compton offers readers a chance to hit the trail and not even end up saddle sore.”—Publishers Weekly “Compton writes in the style of popular Western novelists like Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey…thrilling stories of Western legend.”—The Huntsville Times (AL)
“If you like Louis L’Amour, you’ll love Ralph Compton.”—Quanah Tribune-Chief (TX)