Robert B. Parker's Cheap Shot

Part of Spenser

Author Ace Atkins
Best Seller
$9.99 US
Penguin Adult HC/TR | G.P. Putnam's Sons
On sale May 06, 2014 | 978-0-399-17135-2
Sales rights: US, Canada, Open Mkt
“Atkins gives Robert B. Parker’s long-running series one of its best installments to date” ( as Spenser investigates the kidnapping of a football player’s son.

Kinjo Heywood is one of the New England Patriots’ marquee players—a hard-nosed linebacker who’s earned his standing as one of the toughest guys in the league. He may be worth millions but his connection to a nightclub shooting two years before is still putting a dangerous spin on his life, and his career.

When Heywood’s nine-year-old son, Akira, is kidnapped, and a winding trail through Boston’s underworld begins, Spenser puts together his own all-star team of toughs. It will take both Hawk and Spenser’s protégé, Zebulon Sixkill, to watch Spenser’s back. Because Heywood’s next unpredictable move puts everyone in jeopardy as the clock winds down on Akira’s future.
Praise for Robert B. Parker’s Cheap Shot

Robert B. Parker’s Cheap Shot shows why [Ace Atkins] was a perfect choice to continue the Spenser novels.”—West Orlando News

“A stupendous addition to the series.”—

“Atkins is bringing his own energy and strengths to Parker's series. Cheap Shot is Spenser, by the book.”—Tampa Bay Times

“Atkins’s gift...could lead to a long run, to the delight of Spenser devotees.”—Publishers Weekly 

Praise for Ace Atkins and the Spenser Series

“Handpicked by the Parker estate to be the keeper of the flame for the Spenser franchise, award-winning author Ace Atkins rises flawlessly to the occasion. In addition to the signature dialogue, all the familiars are fully resurrected: Susan, the sexy shrink; Pearl, the wonder dog; Hawk, the wonder sidekick; good cop Quirk, and, of course, Spenser himself, that consummate knight errant for the twenty-first century.”—Kirkus Reviews

“It’s a feat when a writer creates characters who live and breathe on the page and make readers care and keep coming back for more. To manage that with someone else’s characters, let alone with an icon like Spenser, is a minor miracle. Ace Atkins pulls it off.”—Chicago Sun-Times

“Atkins does a wonderful job with the characters created by Parker.”—Booklist
“Classic Spenser—the Spenser of wry wit, tasty food and drinks, hard workouts and lethal confrontations...Once again, Atkins has delivered a thriller that evokes the best of Parker’s Spenser series, not least the punchy back-and-forth of the dialogue.”—Associated Press

“Atkins has done a splendid job of capturing the voice of the late Robert B. Parker.”—Publishers Weekly


“Atkins gives Robert B. Parker’s long-running series one of its best installments to date” ( as Spenser investigates the kidnapping of a football player’s son.

Kinjo Heywood is one of the New England Patriots’ marquee players—a hard-nosed linebacker who’s earned his standing as one of the toughest guys in the league. He may be worth millions but his connection to a nightclub shooting two years before is still putting a dangerous spin on his life, and his career.

When Heywood’s nine-year-old son, Akira, is kidnapped, and a winding trail through Boston’s underworld begins, Spenser puts together his own all-star team of toughs. It will take both Hawk and Spenser’s protégé, Zebulon Sixkill, to watch Spenser’s back. Because Heywood’s next unpredictable move puts everyone in jeopardy as the clock winds down on Akira’s future.


Praise for Robert B. Parker’s Cheap Shot

Robert B. Parker’s Cheap Shot shows why [Ace Atkins] was a perfect choice to continue the Spenser novels.”—West Orlando News

“A stupendous addition to the series.”—

“Atkins is bringing his own energy and strengths to Parker's series. Cheap Shot is Spenser, by the book.”—Tampa Bay Times

“Atkins’s gift...could lead to a long run, to the delight of Spenser devotees.”—Publishers Weekly 

Praise for Ace Atkins and the Spenser Series

“Handpicked by the Parker estate to be the keeper of the flame for the Spenser franchise, award-winning author Ace Atkins rises flawlessly to the occasion. In addition to the signature dialogue, all the familiars are fully resurrected: Susan, the sexy shrink; Pearl, the wonder dog; Hawk, the wonder sidekick; good cop Quirk, and, of course, Spenser himself, that consummate knight errant for the twenty-first century.”—Kirkus Reviews

“It’s a feat when a writer creates characters who live and breathe on the page and make readers care and keep coming back for more. To manage that with someone else’s characters, let alone with an icon like Spenser, is a minor miracle. Ace Atkins pulls it off.”—Chicago Sun-Times

“Atkins does a wonderful job with the characters created by Parker.”—Booklist
“Classic Spenser—the Spenser of wry wit, tasty food and drinks, hard workouts and lethal confrontations...Once again, Atkins has delivered a thriller that evokes the best of Parker’s Spenser series, not least the punchy back-and-forth of the dialogue.”—Associated Press

“Atkins has done a splendid job of capturing the voice of the late Robert B. Parker.”—Publishers Weekly